There is a lot of talk surrounding Delta 9, a form of THC that is growing in popularity. Delta 9 is just one of at least 400 active substances and 124 cannabinoid compounds derived from hemp and cannabis plants. Yet, what is it?
Taking some of the mystery out of Delta 9 is easy. A budding body of research into the effects of Delta 9 investigates how it interacts with the human body. Popular uses for the substance have come under scrutiny, as well. However, unraveling the mystery of its origins takes a little more work.
Delta 9 THC Science
Cannabis and hemp plants contain numerous chemicals, also known as cannabinoids, that give these plants unique properties. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that can affect the body in different ways. When people discuss the effects of cannabis, they most often talk in terms of cannabidiol, or CBD, and tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.
The scientific name for Delta 9 is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is well-known for its psychoactive properties. In other words, THC is the chemical that makes you feel high. Delta 9 has greater psychoactive properties than Delta 8.
The Origins of THC
The origins of cannabis and THC are hazy. Some researchers claim that the ritual burning of cannabis plants can be traced back to sites in Central Asia dating back some 5000 years. However, analysis of the cannabis strains burned during the time indicates low levels of the psychoactive compound THC. Additional research by archeologists finds that cannabis was burned at least 2500 years again in the Pamir Mountains of western China.
Skeletons and artifacts from the region are consistent with a people known as the Sogdians. These people generally followed the Persian faith of Zoroastrianism, a faith that in later years celebrated the mind-expanding properties associated with cannabis. Teams of researchers have found evidence of high levels of THC in ancient wooden braziers in the tombs of elite members of the culture’s society. The cannabis was supposedly burned in close quarters, meaning smoke and THC fumes could have triggered psychoactive experiences.
The region of the Pamir Mountains where artifacts were found is almost 10,000 feet in elevation. Some theorize that the high altitude could trigger a stress response in cannabis plants, resulting in a plant with naturally high levels of THC.
Cannabis wasn’t introduced to the United States until thousands of years later, in the 1600s. Recreational use did not gain popularity until the 1930s and 1940s. Under the 1970 Controlled Substances Act, marijuana became a Schedule I illegal controlled substance. This move was part of President Nixon’s “war on drugs.” However, statements made by the then-President hint that the decision to prohibit marijuana was an attempt to stifle the anti-war left.
To date, 21 states have legalized marijuana for recreational or medicinal use, while others continue to put marijuana legalization on the ballot.
How Delta 9 THC Works
Delta 9 THC is highly intoxicating because it triggers a response in the body’s CB1 receptors. When THC binds with the CBI receptor, the connectivity can spark a wide range of biological and behavioral responses. Stimulating these receptors can also help activate the body’s dopamine system. Dopamine plays a crucial role in the reward response pathways in the brain and is responsible for positive feelings and associations.
Individuals who consume Delta 9 THC report experiencing feelings of:
In addition to the psychological effects of the chemical, cannabinoids may also help ease the symptoms associated with certain medical conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, chronic pain, and nausea. Although research is still in its infancy because marijuana is still a Schedule I substance and illegal under federal law, there are indications that cannabinoids may be beneficial in helping treat certain diseases and the severe effects associated with chemotherapy.
Forms of THC
One of the most widely consumed forms of THC is the dried buds of the cannabis plant. People smoke them. However, there are several forms of THC on the market:
Inhalation – THC is commonly inhaled either by vaping THC oil or smoking the dried buds of the cannabis plant.
Edibles – THC can be ingested in the form of edibles. These are food items, drinks, or candies infused with THC.
Oral Ingestion – THC can also be taken orally in capsules, tinctures, or oils. The effects of edible THC on the body are not as immediate as inhalation, but the effects of edible THC tend to last longer.
Topically – THC can be added to lotions, salves, bath salts, and other cosmetic products and applied topically to the skin. While some products tout beauty benefits, others may help reduce pain and inflammation locally.
Sublingually – Lozenges, sprays, or dissolvable strips and tablets can be placed under the tongue to gain some of the effects of THC as the product slowly dissolves.
Partaking in some of these products means finding a specialty store that sells edibles or topicals. Those products are not always as easy to find as dried cannabis or hemp. If you are interested in making your own THC-infused goodies, there are products on the market that make creating oils, butter, and edibles easy. The LĒVO family of products, including the LĒVO II, LĒVO Lux, and LĒVO C, allow you to infuse hemp and cannabis into your favorite medium and use it in thousands of different ways.
Uses for Delta 9 THC
The uses for Delta 9 THC are numerous. Many people enjoy using THC recreationally because the chemical triggers pleasant feelings like euphoria and relaxation. THC can also be used medicinally. Those suffering from certain medical conditions report improvements in symptoms when using THC. Common uses for THC include:
Before you try using THC to alleviate a medical problem, talk to your doctor. You want to avoid any potential interactions between THC and your other medications.
If you are concerned about smoking THC, try ingesting it orally. LĒVO machines allow you to infuse cannabis or hemp into butter, honey, and oils. You can control the potency of your infusion and use it for homemade edibles or skincare products tailored to your unique needs. When you have control over the THC products you create and use, you can feel confident that you are getting exactly what you want, how you want it.
Download our FREE resource, The Ultimate Edibles Guidebook, full of recipes, infusion tips
and everything you need to make your first batch of edibles today!